Where: The pool at Sandy Cove Apartments, Caloundra
Why: Enjoying the delightful weather and time with Mum and my kids.
What: Having our final swim and playing with the Giant Pass the Pigs game!
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A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu |
Where: The pool at Sandy Cove Apartments, Caloundra
Why: Enjoying the delightful weather and time with Mum and my kids.
What: Having our final swim and playing with the Giant Pass the Pigs game!
Where: QUT (Queensland University of Technology), The Cube…Science and Engineering block.
Why: Court is coming here for Uni, so we came down to have a look around, get her ID card and text books (though they aren’t all available yet)…then we are going to look at places for her to live…scary exciting!!!
What: Having sushi for lunch.
I was going to photograph #myleftfoot however I wanted to remember spending this day with Court!
Where: Pumicestone Passage, Caloundra.
Why: Spending time outdoors with my Mum and kids, enjoying the beautiful weather and calm conditions.
What: Kayaking and swimming, though the tide was heading out and we were able to walk about a third of the way across, there was a deeper trough that we could swim in quite close to shore. I could still stand up in it, but only just!
Where: On the beach at Golden Beach, Caloundra!
Why: After 3 quite windy days, it has calmed down enough to try out the new kayaks! We thoroughly enjoyed being our on the water.
What: Soaking in some Vitamin D, remembering that kayaking against the current is challenging and that “it’s alright once you’re in”!
Where: The Memorial Walkway along The Esplanade at Caloundra, at the end of the boardwalk from Bulcock Beach to Kings Beach…the section that pays tribute to members of the armed forces.
Why: To make the most of the opportunity to be by the seaside…the wind has eased off a bit today.
What: An early morning walk that gives me time to clear my head and focus on the day ahead.
Where: On the balcony at Sandy Cove, Caloundra.
Why: Every year since Courtney was 2, Mum (and sometimes Dad) would take the girls to Caloundra for a week in January. Sometimes, I would be able to go for a few days, however often I had to go to work.
What: Watching the world go by…I have already unpacked and
settled in…
Where: The desk in the Unaipon Room at Canvas Coworking Space
Why: CoderDojo Summer Holiday Programme has finished, so we need to pack up the robots and return them to Robogals.
What: Even though they came to us partly built and with all the pieces jumbled up, I just couldn’t bring myself to return them the same way…so I pulled them ALL apart and sorted the pieces, then put them back in the correct place in the trays in the boxes. Unsurprisingly, not all of the pieces were there, and there were lots left over, but I felt better for what I could do. Heaven help me when we buy our own sets…
Where: Sitting on the floor of the Unaipon Room at Canvas Coworking Space
Why: My current ‘day job’ as the Community Manager has allowed me to also be the Champion for a new CoderDojo here in Toowoomba. It is the first one here…I want local kids to have the opportunity to get excited about ‘creating with technology’, rather than just ‘using technology’.
What: Chatting to one of the Ninjas at CoderDojo while he built a Lego Mindstorm robot.
Where: The workshop room at Canvas Coworking Space.
Why: Finalising preparations for the first CoderDojo Toowoomba – Summer Holiday Programme due to start tomorrow…and dreaming of the week after when I will get to relax under a full size umbrella?
What: Setting up the room for CoderDojo Toowoomba!
Where: In the drivers seat of Courtney’s car, outside Canvas Coworking Space.
Why: David had taken the kids to Movieworld for the day in my car, so I had borrowed Courtney’s car so I could go into the coworking space to prepare for CoderDojo which starts on Monday.
What: Remembering how to drive a manual…it is a bit like riding a bike. Your muscle memory kicks in pretty quick, however the timing leaves a bit to be desired…but I didn’t stall or rev it too hard (I think)!!!