We are going to Europe! Fantastic, I cannot wait! However I am concerned…How will I go the distance around all those Chateaus if a 2 hour stroll around the shopping centre means I need a rest and preferably an afternoon nap.
We have tried before to get motivated with a walk every morning, that went well for about 2 weeks.
I have no idea why it then fell by the wayside?
Yesterday, I struck upon an idea, it was “one way, to remain committed to a task, was to publish it, in this case, I mean a family blog that is out there for the entire world to witness so that we are compelled forward in our efforts to improve our fitness and stamina. By committing to be active in one form or another 365 days of the year. I liken this to other blogs, project365 and clouds365 where there is a daily commitment to a task, our particular committed task being an activity. So with one foot in front of the other and an energetic malti-pom in tow, we set off on day 1.