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Monday, Monday

Posted by on 21 November, 2011

Monday Morning

“it was all I hoped it would be…” (thank you to The Mama’s & The Papa’s…great song)

the sun was shining, the birds chirping and we all managed to get up and go for a walk around the neighbourhood before breakfast!

This is the girls last week of school, so the timing pressure was off a little bit this Monday morning as there is no orchestra rehearsal today. It makes me confident to know that these little graces will help us in building our daily activity routine a little easier…and hopefully the habit will be well ingrained by the time school restarts in the new year.

Now, we do not plan to only go walking everyday….that would be nice but a little boring. My bicycle, which I haven’t seen for a good year or more, magically appeared in the middle of the garage yesterday, and though the tyres are flat at the moment I have no doubt that in the days to come you will hear my tales of cycling through the countryside…(or at least down the street and back). My mind is saying “it’s like riding a bicycle” which people tend to use as a phrase about something that you never forget how to do…..we’ll see!

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