Daily activity is not going to always be focused on physical motion. Today for example, we took time to stop and reflect on the year that has been. Awards Presentation Ceremonies (or Speech Day as it is more commonly known) is a time to recognise the accomplishments of some of the girls that go to school. For many, it is a day of collecting trophies and certificates and glowing in the spotlight. For others though, it is a day when they may be feeling a little deflated, if their efforts have not shone quite so brightly as others.
For me, it was a day to spend listening to the thoughts of those that have been in a position to influence the development of my children….and I am very pleased to hear that their passion for their work is obviously a key driver and they have the spent the year doing all they can to help my girls be…all they can be. Our Premier, Anna Bligh attended our ceremony today and it was a pleasure to hear her speak, in particular about trusting the people around you to do the job they are there to do; recognising the experiences you have for what they are..part of your journey of discovery and learning rather than trying to avoid doing something that does not seem to have an immediate benefit.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, though once again I am left thinking of all the things I could do differently to help my girls achieve ‘more’, ‘better’, ‘easier’ next year….yet in truth they were the same things I thought on this evening last year…so I am left wondering not what ‘can’ I do…but what ‘will’ I do.Congratulations Amanda on being awarded a Certificate for your Consistent and Conscientious Effort!
Congratulations Courtney on what I know has been an extremely steep learning curve for you…learning not only new curriculum, but learning it in French…well done!