No post yesterday? It is going to take a little getting used to having to make a blog post each day.
Yesterdays activity was work, which, as I have explained before, is not very active and one of my reasons for having this blog, and Touch Football. Well for Amanda it was Touch Football. For myself and Joy it was a stroll from the carpark to Field 4, about 300 metres and back again after the game. Amanda’s touch team did ok, they went down but not by much and they all had fun.
Today, Saturday and my activity for the day was Garage Sale-ing, 4 hrs worth. I had Courtney with me today and she was a champion navigator, directing me from Google map instructions that Joy magically conjured up this morning whilst I made my coffee and checked my emails. The pickings were slim this morning, nothing huge to brag about. Did pick up a selection of Foo Fighters CD’s which I will listen too next week. Ideally I was hunting for Adventure Clothing for our camping, holidays and overseas travels, things like good quality rain/waterproof jackets, wind stoppers, under-layers, travel packs, shoes/boots etc, things like that.
We are also hunting fitness equipment and we managed to get an excercise bike for $10.00 which we shall put to use, increasing our aerobic fitness for our European Vacation, something we will need for marching up hills and down dales to Chateuxs and MuseeĀ“s.