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The little things

Posted by on 30 November, 2011

Cactus in the garden


Sometimes life seems hectic and ‘busy’ (that is the least defined word in the english language, but that is a discussion for another day) which makes it hard to slow your mind down enough to notice the little things that are going on around you. On our walk this morning, I was pleased to ‘notice’ myself noticing a few of the little things.

We walked to the Japanese Gardens again where I noticed a turtle in the lake. On our way back I noticed that the big cactus in our neighbour’s cactus garden is in bloom, with huge white multi-layered petals…pretty, but you wouldn’t want to lean in too close to try and smell them…and I also noticed that the next house has a large cactus in their yard, which seems an odd place to have a cactus…

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