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Daily Archives: 1 December, 2011

The morning sounds stilled by the heavy air

I had to agree with Joy this morning when she noted that it was quiet. Sounds were deadend by the thick air. Very little traffic noise to be heard at all, only birds to remind us the world was still ok. The air was heavy with the expectation of rain, still, a little humid yet … Continue reading »

Categories: David, Toowoomba, Uncategorized, Walking | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

The calm before the storm

I struggled a bit to get out of bed this morning, though my mind ‘wanted’ to go for a walk my body seemed reluctant. It was cozy in bed, I could tell it was overcast outside as there was no hot sun streaming in the window above my head. I convinced myself to sit up, … Continue reading »

Categories: Joy, Toowoomba, Walking | Tags: , , | Leave a comment