I struggled a bit to get out of bed this morning, though my mind ‘wanted’ to go for a walk my body seemed reluctant. It was cozy in bed, I could tell it was overcast outside as there was no hot sun streaming in the window above my head. I convinced myself to sit up, get dressed and put on my walking shoes…and by the time I was up I actually felt ready to go walking.
We walked to the Japanese Gardens again….it was very quiet and the air was steamy. I knew from listening to the weather report earlier this week that it was going to start raining today, and as we walked into the gardens and saw the still water on the lake my mind flicked up the phrase ‘the calm before the storm’. Dave managed to take several photos of the bridges and trees reflected in the still water. There was an elderly Japanese couple there today too, walking over the bridges and singing in Japanese. I wish I knew what they were singing about….
After a nice stroll around, we walked home and just as we started crossing the street the drops began to fall, making a polka dot pattern on the warm bitumen. I love the smell of rain.
As I sit here now writing this blog, I can see the rain gently falling outside the window behind my monitor. There are thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon…I like them too, but for now will enjoy this gentle calm.