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Sweet Sundays

Posted by on 4 December, 2011

Great day, slept in a little as Joy read a book. Played around a bit on the computers this morning, had a lazy shower early afternoon before enjoying a nice salad sandwich for lunch. The afternoon was energetic in an administrative way as we managed to knock off a load of paperwork that had been building up for sometime…cool!

My Dave365 photo today shows the lovely festive decorations that have been applied to the pussy cats dining area. Boy the cat is fed up on the laundry bench as Bella the dog (insert “wandering vaccuum cleaner”) likes nothing better than cleaning up the cats bowl when the cat has a short break between courses. Amanda has done a great job…I wonder if the cat knows that Christmas is coming?

Boy the cat eating dinner

Boy the cat enjoying supper Sunday night surrounded in Christmas cheer.


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