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It’s Raining Cats and Icing Sugar

Posted by on 7 December, 2011

It’s pretty much been raining all day and Toowoomba has been sitting in the clouds. If it hasn’t been raining it’s been drizzling and if it hasn’t been drizzling it’s been spitting and if it’s not spitting then it’s raining. I love the feeling of being in the clouds, It’s the way they move through the sky, swirling through the treetops and over the roof of the homes and tug on the street lights making them sway in the mist. I think you appreciate mother nature more when you can really see her fingers playing with the surroundings.

Oh and it’s also raining inside today, raining icing sugar that is. Just ask Courtney who was having trouble opening a sachet of icing sugar for a Hedgehog slice she was finishing off. In her infinite wisdom she decided that the best way to open a hard to open sachet is to continue to exert greater and greater pressure until it opens ( like when popping open a bag of chips) only this bag opened suddenly and pop, powder went everywhere. Fortunately it was only a short dash for me to get the camera so heres the pics.


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