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Tablet versus Netbook or Small Notebook

Posted by on 10 December, 2011

We are currently investigating the idea of taking a Tablet to Europe instead of a small laptop. Android versus Windows, The new Asus Transformer Prime looks like a good thing. Feel free to add your comments on what you might think is better and any experiences you might have had travelling with tech.

Todays activity for me was garage sales as per usual. It was very foggy this morning so driving about was done with a very defensive attitude to expect the unexpected to emerge from the fog. When I garage sale on my own I do tend to jog in and out of the sales as I like to get around to them as quickly as I can, especially during the first hour or so. Nothing very special today apart from a cool little DVD CD storage cupboard to help with our growing collection. This week I added 7 movies to the collection for less than $10.00 including Matrix, Batman Begins and Goodfellas.

This afternoon the fog had lifted and the rain had stopped long enough for Courtney to get the Mower out. Twenty minutes later and it became pitch dark and it poured down. Quite a little squall blew through putting an end to the days efforts in the yard.

Heres a gallery of pictures I took today and a couple from Friday at the Japanese gardens. I hope the cloud photos manage to show the 4 layers that the cloud were amassing over. The lowest was maybe 100 metres with glimpses through to the upper layers.

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