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Posted by on 13 December, 2011

Today I have cleaned the kitchen, hung out some washing and mowed the rest of the lawn. Because I started mowing the lawn the other day accept it started raining quite heavily, so I had to put the rest of it of to today. I started with the backyard which was the easiest but in the middle of it i ran over some thick elastic which made a loud clucking sound, so I had to stop have find out what I had run over. The rest was a bit hard ’cause the lawn was  quite thick. What a way to spend my last day at home for 2011, because tomorrow we are finally heading off to Adelaide which should take about 2 and 1/2 days to drive there. YAY! 2 and 1/2 days with my sister in the back of a car. Oh well! I’m shore I’ll survive.

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