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Broken Hill to Bourke via Barrier Hwy and the Kidman Way

Posted by on 30 December, 2011

Broken Hill is in N.S.W over the border from S.A. approx 50 km. Broken hill sets its watches to SA time since it is much closer to that time zone than the east coast.

The drive to Bourke from Broken Hill is about 616km via the Barrier Highway to Cobar and from Cobar to Bourke via the Kidman Way. Once again the lack of Kangaroos surprised us, even dead Kangaroos seemed to be lacking. Goats and more goats are what we have been seeing on our travels along the fringes of the outback. We have come to the conclusion that goats are more savvy when it comes to roads. They appear more timid and so depart when vehicles approach, usually in a direction away from the road. The fact that we saw only a few dead goats in comparison to there apparent populations suggest they are struck less often. That said…They do still get on the roads infront of you, especially if a kid is sperated from its mother.

feral goats broken hill bourke outback nsw queensland

4 feral goats turntail when we pull up near them

As usual here below is my gallery of photos from Broken Hill to Bourke which include some photos from a 10 or 15 minute stop at a deserted soak or stock watering dam between Cobar & Bourke.


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