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Back in the groove of things…

Posted by on 9 January, 2012

We have been back in Toowoomba now for 10 days. It’s taking all 10 of those days for us to find our groove again too. Holidays can really throw you out of sync with a rhythm. Before the holidays we were walking regularly, during the holidays…not so much,,, now we are back it is taking a big effort to get back into a regular routine of walking. I suppose it will come in time. I am going to add a gallery below of the last day of the trip back from Adelaide to Towoomba… The run from Bourke to home. Including some early morning sunrise shots when I went out in the hope ofn capturing some images of the comet Lovejoy.  We set off mid morning and arrived in Toowoomba about 10pm after what was quite an easy drive.

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