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A pond for Christmas

Posted by on 16 January, 2012

Courtney wants a pond for Christmas so I have been helping her out. She has done a load of work herself with just a little advice and assistance from myself. We purchased a liner from Bunnings and marked out a shape on the grass. The hole took Courtney 3 days to dig with her own blood, sweat and tears, a little help (supervision) from Amanda when she felt charitable or it was suggested to her that it would be nice if gave Courtney a helping hand. Amanda can be seen supervising bottom right whilst Courtney digs, left in the photo.

With the pond now dug, the liner installed with sand under the base the project is ready for stage 2.

ready for landscaping

Our next door neighbour Steve has access to a property that had large sections of Murphys Creek creek-bed stripped of topsoil during the floods in January 2011 exposing large numbers of sandstone rocks and slabs just right for decorating a pond surround. I borrowed the X-Trail and trailer from Grace and Mal and Steve and Amy showed the way to the creek and helped me load a parcel of stone and unload it when we returned. The landscaping of the rocks will have to wait now as Courtney has gone to the Coast for a few days with Grandma & Grandad (Grace & Mal).

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