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Posted by on 2 April, 2012

When I was young, I played a lot of sport and even worked at an Indoor Sports Centre. I would be there most days, either playing, working or socialising. I loved it, it was almost like a second home and the friends I had meant the world to me. Then one day, it all stopped. Well to be realistic, it wasn’t just one day, but it seemed to happen pretty suddenly. I started a new job which quite quickly had me moving away from home, away from my home town, family and friends. It seemed like my whole world turned at that moment, I shouldn’t say it wasn’t a good thing, as life is full of changes and that nothing will stay the same forever, whether you want it to or not, but they were good times, life was certainly easier than it is now and we used to have fun.

Last week I started playing indoor netball with some of the girls from work. We play at the sports centre that I used to work at. Just walking in there brought back so many memories that it was a little overwhelming. I didn’t see anyone that I knew from my time there, so obviously I am not the only one that has moved on, however there are so many things that are exactly the same it is almost like time had frozen for the last 18 years…

Now, playing netball is a bit like riding a bike, once you have learned how you don’t forget…it just takes a bit to get the body to respond as quickly as you want it too…in that first game last week I felt exhausted but exhilerated to be moving again. Tonight was better again, I got more goals for starters, even had a go as goal keeper for a quarter and managed to get a few intercepts! we didn’t win this week, though the scores were quite close, so hopefully next week the body will react that little bit faster when my brain tells it too.

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