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Food Glorious Food

Posted by on 15 April, 2012

If there is one thing that really brings people together, it is food. No matter what language you speak, what religion you are, whether you come from Australia or abroad, food knows no boundaries and has no prejudices.

Today, we went to the Felton Food Festival. This was the first time the residents of the Felton area had come together in such a way and put on the event…and it was great. There were certainly plenty of people there to experience all of what the farmers of the Felton Food Bowl has to offer.

The Felton area has been fighting for many years against the mining companies who want to dig the coal from the ground…and recently we have heard that they have won,the government have declared there will be no mine in Felton!

For our part today, we made and sold crepes for the French Immersion Supporter’s Group. As this was the first time, we had no idea how many people to cater for, and with so many food options for them to choose from, it made it hard to have any idea how busy we would get. As it turned out, we were flat out for most of the day. Offering sweet or savoury crepes, we cooked continuously from about 10am through til almost 2pm when the next shift of helpers arrived. I always like to be busy at events and today certainly kept us hopping.

It was great to have a few new helpers learning to cook the crepes and prepare, even Amanda had a go at preparing today and did a wonderful job for quite a while!!!

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