It is Thursday today and time seems to be flying by now as we are just 66 days from departure for our trip to Europe.
I booked the accommodation for KL yesterday, we will be there for 2 nights on our way home and plan to take that time to chill out, unwind, relax and basically do nothing….so the only requirements we need are plenty of space and a pool, though a kitchenette would be handy too…after much searching, we found a 2 bedroom apartment in a just off central location with a large pool, for a reasonable price too. I was actually surprised by the price of accom in KL…way more than I anticipated.
This week has seen the girls go back to school, though the routine isn’t quite as smooth as it was at the end of last term, but I am sure it won’t take long to get it back. Work is picking up again after the Easter break so I am hoping for a good quarter this quarter, though fitting everything in won’t be without it’s challenges.
Yesterday (after a bit of confusion), Amanda went to her first Darling Downs Hockey trials. It was round one, with the attendees being put through their paces in the bid to be selected to go to the next round of trials. It was fantastic to hear the excitement in Amanda’s voice when she called me afterward to advise that she had made it through…I am not sure whether the excitement was due to the possibility of being selected, or the fact that it means she gets a day off school on Monday for the trials…but either way, it is great to see her competitiveness rise a notch.
Court’s life seems to revolve almost entirely around music at the moment, what with rehearsals for Europe, school ensembles, choirs, Municipal Band and piano exams coming up. I often wonder if it isn’t too much, but life is busy these days and I suppose that learning to manage your time is a skill that develops when it is has to be put into practice, so by the end of this year she should be an expert!
I played Netball again this week and whilst we didn’t win, we came very close towards the end. We were a player short which made it a little harder and I landed awkwardly on my knee (which is still a little sore), but we had fun and look forward to next week’s game.
Dave has been working tirelessly on his websites as well as running after the girls (& me), keeping us feed & watered and dressed in clean clothes. I am not sure how I managed to do it all myself before, as I can barely seem to do anything for myself now, but I suppose I didn’t really as Mum & Dad helped out so much…
Anyway, it is morning, so I need to manage my time and get off to work now…