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Introducing Andy!

Posted by on 10 June, 2012

14 days to go! Yes, that is all… Just 2 weeks and we will be heading off on the long awaited adventure.

Today, we are have the whole day set aside for getting organised…from printing itineraries and copying passports to checking our clothing fits in the suitcase and deciding if we really need that 4th pair of socks… We have been working on this type of preparation for a few weeks now, buying the odd item of clothing and finding the power adaptors hidden in the back of the cupboard. I think, from the list I have made, that we should be pretty close to having everything we need…it doesn’t quite include the kitchen sink, but comes close…

What has surprised me the most, is the number of ‘chargers’ that we need to keep all our technology running….the first time I took the girls overseas, I think I had one charger, for my camera…that was it and I survived! Now, with Dave, Court, Amanda and I all having cameras, phones, ipods, nintendos, tablets and netbooks, we have over a dozen chargers, plus a few power adaptors to cope with them all. When we were at a garage sale yesterday we found a little case which we thought would be ideal to store them in for the trip…thankfully they fit! Though I know all these things will make it easier for us to stay connected, entertained, informed and store our memories in words and pictures, I do wonder if it is all necessary…

Speaking of unnecessary things that we are taking because we want too, I would now like to introduce you Andy! This is our new little friend who is coming along to be the star in our photos…either when we are having a bad hair day, cannot get into the preferred spot safely or just because…. He is an android robot, the logo of android operating systems, which I am using now on my Samsung Galaxy tablet! image

So now I am off to sort out what 4 comfy outfits I am happy to be photographed in repeatedly for 35 days…

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