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How to trim a 50 foot hedgerow

Posted by on 7 July, 2012

Looking around the gardens of the Schonbrun Palace in Vienna you will find many pathways generally running geo-metrically North, South, NE, SW, ENE etc. They are mostly all vertically trimmed, neat with some sections yet to receive their most recent hair cut.

vienna castle schonblun palace

Fountain and path behind - click to enlarge

Now this does beg the question…how does one give a 50 foot high tree a haircut?

trimmed trees schronbrun palace vienna

Straight and true! click to enlarge.

After turning a corner the truth was exposed. Looking not unlike a cricket sight screen with out the screen bit is the secret tree come hedge row trimming contraption. So… the mystery was solved on how to trim a 50 foot hedge.

hedge row trimmer platform

Huge Tiered Platform for trimming The hedge rows, click to enlarge

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