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A good time to Die Hard – filming in Budapest

Posted by on 11 July, 2012

Walking the streets this evening in Budapest we came across a couple of city block that were effectively closed off. Turns out they are shooting a lot of Bruce Willis’s new Die Hard 5 film here in the city.

We know what film they are shooting as I got a good clear shot of the clapper board…A good day to Die Hard.

a good time to die bruce willis movie clapper board

clapper board - click to enlarge

Whilst we didnt hang around for the filming of the scene we did note that they had altered the buildings signage to Russian and hung some Russian flags. There were crew, crew trucks, lighting rigs and all sorts of gear every where.

film crew getting camera ready a good day to die hard

Getting a camera ready - click to enlarge

Here is a shot of the main area with 3 buildings converted to Russian heritage.

buildings re named for die hard movie

Budapest buildings re badged as Russian

yellow lamborghini on die hard 5 set bruce willis

Lamborghini on set! - click to enlarge

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