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Birthday Eve

Posted by on 6 January, 2013

This is my last day of being 37…I don’t mind so much, I figure that every day I am older than the day before and am thankful for that. Better to be getting older than to stop.

Today we went out for breakfast at the South Toowoomba Bowls Club which offers a smorgasbord with plenty of choices and includes a game of bare foot bowls as well.


Not being active bowls players, I was relieved to see all of the ‘pros’ boarding a bus to go and play elsewhere…so we pretty much had the place to ourselves and no one watching us try and remember how to actually play.



Thankfully David’s memory was pretty good and he reminded the rest of us of what to do.



I received a couple of early birthday presents too… one of them being Courtney coming home for a night as a surprise!  (arranged by Amanda…sneaky little thing)



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