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Posted by on 4 December, 2013

About a year ago now we built a vege garden and I am pleased to report that it is still a functioning vege garden!

Also, and this is probably even more impressive, is that I have actually learned to garden and am thoroughly enjoying it!

We are currently growing pumpkins; cucumbers; red and green chillies; chives; passion fruit; raspberries; strawberries; mint; carrots; rosemary; thyme; basil; curry; peas; lettuce; corn; zucchini; butternut pumpkin; tarragon; red onion; brown onion; elderflower; silverbeet; spinach; capsicum; eggplant; rockmelon; beans; cherry, roma & grosse lisse tomatoes; blackberries; lemons; mandarins; oranges; blueberries; parsley; coriander; broccoli and cauliflower! Wow, when you stop and think about it that is quite a bit really….

I have even started growing plants from seeds that I have collected, which is good because I realised that it can end up costing quite a bit more to grow veges from seedlings from Bunnings than it costs to buy veges from coles.

Today I transplanted 25 little cherry tomato seedlings that had grown out of 1 little cherry tomato that I had squished into a little pot of seed raising mix. They won’t all survive, but I am also learning that that is okay too. It is better to have 2 or 3 strong healthy plants producing fruit than have 20 struggling ones producing none.

So, here is to the ongoing success of our vege garden and the peace, happiness and fruits of our labour…cheers!

PS. I’ve also bought a little table and chairs so that some of our time out in the garden is sitting back and enjoying it with a glass of wine and cheese! After all, it can’t be all work.





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