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Too much of a good thing

Posted by on 18 December, 2013

The saying ‘good things come in small doses’ was created because it is true…too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing.

My first example is not really a bad thing…or too much of something good…or so it seemed at the time. David and I went back to Norries Headland this morning. He went in the surf and I decided to tackle the stairs again. After yesterday I was confident that I could go up twice and had in mind that I could attempt a third…well, that was going well, so well in fact that on the third time I passed a lady several years my senior with whom I had already exchanged a number of pleasantries as we had passed on our journey up and down who said “one to go”. Of course she meant herself, but I took it as a challenge and decided to make a fourth trip. My calves, knees and thighs were burning, but I didn’t give up. I did stop at the top to take a selfie though (refer yesterday’s post if you don’t understand the significance).

The second activity of the day also saw me exceed my initial intention…pancake breakfast at the resort. When someone goes to the trouble of cooking pancakes for you and offering maple syrup; diced apple and icecream it seems a bit rude to just have one, doesn’t it? Well….I thought it did at the time…though I am pleased that I did stop at 2!

The third….well let’s just say there was really no doubt in my mind that this was going to end badly…but I agreed anyway so therefore must be held at least partially responsible. When booking a week long holiday, you don’t have the luxury of ordering tide times that best suit your plans. It was unfortunate that high tide has been progressing from mid to late morning over the week…so yesterday when we went for our drive, we noticed that the tide was high at around 10:40am. The area known as Hastings Point has a lovely tidal creek, which is excellent for canoes; paddle boards and snorkelling, particularly when it is full (high tide). Today I agreed to go while the tide was in…which meant from about 11am to 1pm…the very hottest part of the day.

With several dozen warnings and reminders about applying sunscreen liberally and reapplying frequently it seemed this was too much to expect of the kids…and they came home slightly pinker than I had hoped.

After a couple of hours in the water and the sun, I decided the afternoon was to be for resting…no tv or video games. Everyone else had a sleep….but I managed to get through several loads of washing and also the next level 6 game 3 of a thinking game.

Our day ended with $10 pizzas and trivia night at the sports club. We split into 2 teams…kids vs adults. The kids achieved their best overall result yet, including 10/10 in one section…which put them in the running for a prize of a round of drinks…which they won!

As the sports club offers free wifi, we had a little wait at the end to ensure that all of our app upgrades went through and installed before we left…though at least we saved some data.


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