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Home Eve

Posted by on 19 December, 2013

Our last full day on the coast was another beautiful day…one could almost be forgiven for thinking we were holidaying in Qld. It really has been beautiful one day and perfect the next.

We managed to get all of the kids out of bed and down to the beach this morning, though it did mean having breakfast first…which I didn’t realise until today actually makes going for a morning walk less comfortable but nonetheless I did manage to get up to the top of Norries Headland to see the completed lookout. It will be much appreciated, especially when the whales are passing by!


The view as always was very calming. I took a panoramic photo but I’m not sure it will show properly on here using this app. If you click on the picture it will open up.

We had thought about taking a drive up Mt Warning and yhe Natural Bridge today, however David had some work things to sort out so the kids and I played a game of ‘Life’. Amanda won…I came 5th (I don’t really like to use the term ‘lost’ as I didn’t lose anything…I gained much enjoyment from playing regardless of the outcome).

By popular demand we had fish and chips for lunch. I don’t really know why everyone wanted them,  including me…they always smell great but leave you feeling a bit ‘blah’…today was no exception.


Games of backgammon (let’s not worry about who kicked whose butt today shall we)…a final swim in the pool and spa…followed by a game of yahtzee until it was time for bbq cheeseburgers for dinner rounded out the remainder of the day.

Sometimes a week just isn’t enough, but this time I feel ready to get home, maybe because I want to get into preparations for Christmas!

Only one more sleep…

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