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Posted by on 21 December, 2013

Holidays at home…they just aren’t what they used to be.

Admittedly this was our first day home in a week so there were more ‘catch up’ chores than an ordinary day…but I couldn’t help but feel the holiday buzz of the last week get sapped from me.



My recollections of holidays as a child involved sleeping in and reading books or riding my bike around the neighbourhood if I was at home…or if I had been sent to stay at my cousin’s house the days were filled with playing outside and getting dirty; climbing trees and making cubby houses; playing with the neighbour kids; having water fights; listening to music and making mixed tapes; playing board games that could go on for days; making White Christmas, Chocolate Crackles and Rum Balls…the list goes on. Sure there were chores to be done like making your bed and washing dishes…but they just seemed to get done without it being a big deal. Maybe that was because there were 4 or 5 of us doing it together…I’m really not sure (or perhaps my memories are a bit biased!!)

Anyway, as I sit here tonight writing down my recollection of the events of today I can’t help feeling a bit sad and sorry for our kids.

We unpacked and did the laundry; whiper snipped and mowed the lawn; vacuumed the sand out of the car; picked vegetables and watered the garden; put up and took down the new tent that we bought for our upcoming camping trip; baked a cake; went grocery shopping and had lovely bbq butterflied lamb and salad for dinner.



Don’t get me wrong, as a grown up it was a very productive day! But my inner child is feeling a bit bummed…

I guess they did get to play some Xbox and wrap the presents they bought yesterday as well as have some homemade fruit frappĂ© and also have some icecream for dessert and are now watching a movie….but they didn’t get dirty or make any new friends or have any ‘adventures’…do today’s kids want those things?  Or are they just content so long as they have wifi?

I’ll close on a positive…we picked about 100 tomatoes (mainly cherry tomatoes), some long chillies and quite a few raspberries today. The photo only shows about 2/3 of the toms…and maybe half the berries…they were just too yummy!


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