Wow…I knew it was possible, however I don’t think I have ever experienced it really…
It is Sunday the 22nd of December…two full days before Christmas and the presents are bought AND WRAPPED and under the tree…with just enough room left for the ones that Santa will deliver (hopefully he got the message about size and weight restrictions this year).
Thanks must go to Mum aka Grandma for entertaining the kids for the afternoon! They went shopping for toys to give to the RSPCA, out for lunch, for a walk and to the movies to see an early release session of ‘Frozen’ (which by all accounts was worth going to the movies to see).
While they were busy, David and I set about getting the wrapping done…Dave ducked out for a few last gifts while I wrapped the gifts for him…then we did the kids. Growing up as an only child, then having my two girls on my own for 10 Christmases I guess I didn’t have a realistic expectation of the time it would take to wrap gifts for 4 kids and ourselves as well as a few other family members….fortunately David is a very willing and able elf!
To help get in the spirit we thought we’d watch a Christmas movie..
and turn on our Christmas lights…
Other than wrapping I did manage to bake some chocolate brownies to take camping…
though in order to be finished before the kids got home, a home cooked meal was out of the question. Now, I know I’m not famous and don’t have many exceptional features to make me particularly memorable, but being remembered is a very nice feeling.
It was uncanny that just a couple of nights ago we went to a local take away restaurant to get some dinner and I commented that the girl who served us for the third time in as many weeks asked me if I had been there before…my ego took a bit of a dive, though I completely understood that they must serve hundreds of customers every day and it would be hard to remember every face.
However, tonight I went to the local Chinese take away…where I don’t think I have been for maybe 6 weeks…and the lady actually came out of the door exclaiming that I was a familiar face! It made my day…even if she did remind me that for their gifts they only have to put cash in a red envelope which only takes a few minutes rather than spending all afternoon!
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