During the year our Saturdays are usually filled from start to finish…so the opportunity to have a lazy day was very welcome.
Mum aka Grandma took the kids to the pool this morning. It was forecast to be a very hot day and even though there was a good breeze it was a warm one, so being wet was a nice option.
I had planned to do a bit of shopping, however couldn’t get motivated to shop again so soon after Christmas…so I lay on the couch with the cricket on the tv and a book in hand and had a nap instead.
Eventually I got up, but seeing as I was now a bit warmer decided to go and run a nice cool (not cold) bath…and with book still in hand went for a nice soak.
As we had been camping on boxing day we had not yet been to see ‘The Hobbit’ part 2. The cinema is a great place to escape to, whatever the weather.
I enjoyed the movie, though as it is based on the book I am currently reading it was actually a little bit confusing as so much of the movie is not in the book.
For dinner were invited over to Mum & Dad’s for a slightly delay New Year celebration. Most of my aunts and uncles were the there. David and I played a few games of darts.