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No photographic evidence

Posted by on 12 January, 2014

so you’ll just have to take my word for it…today, we cleaned the house…literally.

The Bear in the Big Blue House (for those that remember him) had a song that went “come on everybody let’s clean up the house!” and I now have that line going over and over in my head…though today we had the music turned up loud (sorry neighbours) with some slightly older tunes…Roxette; Bon Jovi and Dire Straits for example, which we could sing-a-long to while we cleaned up in preparation for Amanda’s birthday.

Dave and the boys really cleaned ‘the house’…on the outside with a broom and hose…for those of you who don’t know, our home is made of colorbond steel, so the dust tends to add sit on the orb finish. Cleaning isn’t hard…I mean the dust comes off pretty easily…however it is a lot of reaching and stretching…I am sure some of them will have very sore arms tomorrow!

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