I think our tank is full now! Thanks Mother Nature, I appreciate you very much…you can relax now and settle down for a quiet night! …No? You want to throw lightening bolts at us and hail stones the size of cricket balls?!?! Ohhh…okay then….
Unfortunately, the hail stone size was not an exaggeration though it was not here at our house, but I saw a friend’s photo online…scary!
I had been outside doing some work in the garden when the wind picked up…then the clouds started to build and swirl. I was sitting outside (under a covered outdoor area) when it started to rain a little…there was some lightening in the distance though it seemed to be getting nearer.
Then…there was a bolt of lightening quite close so I decided to get up and go inside…THEN…there was another bolt…really close, so close that the sound came at the same time as the light…that made me move a bit quicker!
Bella and Boy were already inside…but then there were another couple of bolts very close…the power went out…the cat took off under the bed
(I really should clear out those shoes)…and the dog was visibly shaking with her little heart racing…so we went and cuddled up on the bed for a bit…
No power means limited options for dinner…as Court has a friend over they wanted pizza…so we decided that would do for all of us…and tonight the $6 extra for home delivery was deemed worth it!
David and I settled in for a game of backgammon by lamp light…with a glass of red…
The clouds have rolled in over the whole city…we can barely see across the valley…and I am wondering what has become of our front yard…earlier it looked like this from the front doors
Though now it looks like this…
My phone is nearly flat…it’s time for bed anyway…so hopefully the power company are able to fix it all up before morning…even if their website is still non-committal!
The absolute worst part is that I’m missing watching Roger play in the quarters… ;(
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