For a couple of years I have volunteered to organise a Car Rally for the French Immersion Supporter’s Group (that raises funds and awareness of the programme).
The rally isn’t aimed at being a big fundraiser, but more as a social event at the beginning of the year for families to do together and meet others.
As part of the process of organising the event, I plan out a route, then we drive it a couple of times to find interesting things along the way to make clues and questions to keep the participants on the right path and observing their surroundings.
Today was the first drive around the route…with a lot of left, left…no, the other left…we managed to make our way to the final destination after several hours.
It won’t take the participants that long…hopefully!
I cannot include any photos that will give away any of the checkpoints…so I’ll just put in this one of the kookaburra that was sitting on the electric jumping up…though thankfully his pants are not on fire!