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Schedule that

Posted by on 2 February, 2014

Life can get a bit overwhelming sometimes…it can be difficult to remember what day it is let alone where I am supposed to be, particularly at the beginning of a new school year with Amanda now in middle years and Courtney having recently returned home for a while and started her part time job in addition to a day a week at TAFE as well as year 11.

So today, we all sat down around the table with our laptops and set up our schedules in Google calendar that we can share with each other and invite someone to attend an event if we need to….such as inviting me to pick up someone from school or work or sport training.

It felt a bit funny to start with and took a while to get everything input…and that is just for first term…but we did it!

Now, when I have my calendar set to view everyone’s schedules it is overwhelming, but I can change the settings to see just me and that makes me feel much more organised and on top of my day!

We don’t have ‘everything’ in there yet…but as we get used to it I am sure we will get more and hopefully it will help everyone keep a good balance of work vs play…friends and family time…and time to just chill out on our own too!


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