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When the sun don’t shine

Posted by on 3 February, 2014

Over the past week I have been reminded that I really like mornings…tge quiet peaceful feeling as you drive down the main street and there isn’t anyone else around.

Of course that serenity vanishes once I arrive at the gym and have our dedicated trainer demanding our best efforts.

Today I noticed that the sun was just rising over the tree tops as I got in the car at the end of the session.


Admittedly it was quite a misty morning today…not that that stopped us from heading up to the park and boxing and running on the wet grass….my shins were really feeling it from running up the slippery slope and down again.

Whilst I feel that I have been reasonably organised in regards to getting to the gym on time and then getting to work…I had been neglecting to prepare my breakfast, morning tea and lunch…but I am all set now with a stash of healthy food supplies tucked away in my drawer at work for those times when the cupboard at home is bare…or I slip up!

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