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Birthday wishes

Posted by on 4 March, 2014

On this day 16 years ago I was blessed to bring a baby girl safely into this world.

There have been times when I have wondered if that was the best decision…what with the state of the world and all the awful things that seem to happen…but then I stopped watching the news on television and am now in blissful ignorance of the bad and choose to focus on the good and great parts of our society.

The last eighteen months have been the most challenging ever…having to learn to let her grow up and start to find her own path…but we are both getting there one step at a time.

Today felt more like a giant leap than a small step…when she proudly announced that she passed her written test to be issued with her learner driver licence!

I am looking forward to watching her continue to grow into a beautiful young woman…I just wish time would slow down a little bit…

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