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Not much change…

Posted by on 23 May, 2014

When I was 18 I wasn’t a fan of going out ‘downtown’ on a Friday night. Too many people thinking they were cool; smoking; driving round and round the streets; girls with no self respect and guys with no respect for others…

Twenty years later and it is still the same…even the music hasn’t changed…

I’m waiting for Court to finish work and sitting outside watching the goings on…and ‘Blister in the Sun’ is being pumped out of the Tatts Hotel up the street…an early 90’s Holden Commodore has just gone passed for the third time…and 3 girls in what I guess is their mid 20’s have walked past in heels they can only shuffle in with dresses that leave nothing to the imagination. I know you get hot when dancing inside…but it is only about 12 degrees out here and showering rain…do they know that you can wear a jacket and take it off inside?!?!

Perhaps I have always been ‘old’ or as I like to consider it ‘sensible’…I don’t think I missed out on anything of value by not going clubbing and hope that my girls see it for what it is…a waste of money…and choose to spend their Friday nights with their friends in a safe,  comfortable environment where there is no need to pretend!

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