Author Archives: Court
1 2 3 4 5 goals for 2012
2012 some people say the world is going to end but for me its my bad habits and here are my goals to get me on track. 1. Academic I am going to study everyday to help me get my french in my brain like glue. 2. Musical I am going to practise an instrument … Continue reading
1 2 3 4 5 things I learnt!
1. Goats are smarter than kangaroos. When travelling back from Adelaide in the outback we saw hundreds of goats yet not many kangaroos. I thought it would be better to see hundreds of kangaroos rather than goats but goats are better because kangaroos are less cautious of cars which they like to jump out in … Continue reading
Today I have cleaned the kitchen, hung out some washing and mowed the rest of the lawn. Because I started mowing the lawn the other day accept it started raining quite heavily, so I had to put the rest of it of to today. I started with the backyard which was the easiest but in … Continue reading
Walking Biscuit
Today we walking down west lake and I got to take Biscuit for a walk. We had lots of fun running down the street but when we got to the park there were lots of other dogs and Biscuit was sad and wined because she couldn’t go play with them, but we had a good … Continue reading