Tagged With: dogs
Walking is getting popular
Hello World Today is our second day of walking and it was great! Our friendly neighbors (The Ritter’s and their dog Biscuit) came with us (The Taylor’s and our dog Bella) went for a walk down to West creek, Kearney Springs and back. The Ritter’s dog ‘Bickie’ walked with Court while our dog ‘Bella’ walked … Continue reading
Walking Biscuit
Today we walking down west lake and I got to take Biscuit for a walk. We had lots of fun running down the street but when we got to the park there were lots of other dogs and Biscuit was sad and wined because she couldn’t go play with them, but we had a good … Continue reading
2 days in a row…yay
They say the key to forming a habit is to do it for 30 days in a row…well at least we’ve made it to day 2 without faltering! Our lovely neighbours came walking with us today too which was very nice. Their dog was the main attraction for Court & Amanda who think she is … Continue reading