Tagged With: road trip
Watching grass grow – ‘Like’
A road trip involves spending a lot of time ‘on the road’ and whilst I don’t mind it at all, at times it can get a little bit bland. Our trip today started with us travelling through an area called the ‘Mallee’, which is primarily large expanses of low bushes, interspersed with the occasional small cluster … Continue reading
Follow the sun
I have no problem sleeping in a strange bed, waking up in a different room and feeling ‘at home’, while travelling…the only thing that I struggle with is the sun. We are travelling south-west in the middle of summer in Australia….so from the time we wake up, at about 6am, the sun is high in … Continue reading
Well, you may have noticed that our countdown clock to our departure for Adelaide has stopped ticking….hooray….for that means we are on our way. We left home yesterday morning, relatively on time, excepting the slight delay due to our concern for our puppy that is being left at home. Poor Bella cannot make this trip, … Continue reading