Monthly Archives: November 2011
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Choo! Ah choo! Ah choo! Sniff
There’s something in the air? or maybe it’s actually a head cold. I have never been troubled by allergies before so I am thinking its a mild virus. Still, It hasn’t stopped me from walking or working so here’s todays pics. The clouds to the west, 06:15, 07:15 and 08:15 Todays walk was up to … Continue reading
The little things
Sometimes life seems hectic and ‘busy’ (that is the least defined word in the english language, but that is a discussion for another day) which makes it hard to slow your mind down enough to notice the little things that are going on around you. On our walk this morning, I was pleased to … Continue reading
T = Tuesdays U = Unveil E = Every S = Special D = Desire A = Adventure Y = Yearning This mornings walk began under grey skies that held a small threat of Rain, within 1o minutes the clouds began to part and allow the sun to shine down. That is one of the … Continue reading
Today is Tuesday
I have been looking for a quote or song lyrics that contain ‘Tuesday’ and regret to say that the only ones I can find are all a bit sad, or weird….what is it about Tuesday’s that makes people feel a bit melancholy. ..I am not sure…. This Tuesday morning though has thankfully seen me get … Continue reading
Picnic Point, Spring Bluff and Surrounds
Sundays activities were fun, the morning walk around Picnic Point was most enjoyable and it was very exciting to see the waterfall was running again after being switched off when the drought was at its worst. The Gardens are looking great at the moment especially after the good soak we had a couple of days … Continue reading
Back on the wagon
Wow…a few days can pass very quickly if you aren’t careful. Whilst I tend to sit down at my computer everyday for one thing or another, making the time to write on a blog can be a challenge. Friday morning was drizzly and it didn’t take much for me to put off going for a … Continue reading
Yesterday and Today
No post yesterday? It is going to take a little getting used to having to make a blog post each day. Yesterdays activity was work, which, as I have explained before, is not very active and one of my reasons for having this blog, and Touch Football. Well for Amanda it was Touch Football. For … Continue reading
And so it begins
The School Holidays that is…With the end of the school year brings Speech Day and I must say that I did enjoy it. Amanda stood tall and proud when accepting her Academic award for consistent and concientious effort from the Head of the School. Well done Amanda! The awards were conducted quickly and efficiently and … Continue reading
Time to Reflect
Daily activity is not going to always be focused on physical motion. Today for example, we took time to stop and reflect on the year that has been. Awards Presentation Ceremonies (or Speech Day as it is more commonly known) is a time to recognise the accomplishments of some of the girls that go to … Continue reading
Wet Thursday
Today is the last day of School this year for the Girls and it is pouring. So as we have not got any wet weather gear yet we shall have to see if we can walk later today. I am going to try to post twice today as I didn’t write one yesterday. Yesterday we … Continue reading